Girella channel

The Girella Channel is a virtual space where you can find out everything about Pallars Jussà’s agri-food products.

Starting with Girella (a lamb pudding), you will discover the delicacies that are produced in our region; who makes them and in what way, how they are cooked and served… And how they all enrich an agri-food heritage intimately linked to a landscape, people and an authentic way of life.

On the Girella Channel you will also find videos related to the cooking of these local products and especially lamb. These are different recipes prepared by the expert hands of famous Catalan chefs who support Al teu gust, aliments del Pallars and who are ambassadors for our lamb: Ada Parellada (Restaurant Semproniana, Barcelona), Sergi de Meià (Restaurant Sergi de Meià , Barcelona), Xixo Castanyo (Restaurant Malena, Gimenells), Joel Castanyé (Restaurant La Boscana, Bellvís), Pep Nogué (gourmet, food writer and film-maker), Vicent Guimerà (Restaurant Antic Molí, Ulldecona), and Mateu Casañas, Eduard Xatruch and Oriol Castro (Restaurant Compartir, Cadaqués).

Girella is a product derived from lamb that is made in the two Pallars (Jussà and Sobirà) and in Alta Ribagorça and even though it is a thrifty food, due to its good taste and its versatility it’s still a favourite. The uniqueness of this product and the fact that it is related to our Pallars terra de corder project, have led us to choose it as the emblem of the Girella Channel.

We invite you to subscribe to the channel and start enjoying everything that Pallars Jussà has to offer.

This initiative is financed by the Diputació de Lleida.

Ambassadors of Al teu gust

Ada Parellada

Sergi de Meià

Xixo Castaño

Joel Castanyer

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