"Al teu gust" Program
“Al teu gust, aliments del Pallars” (ATG Pallars) is a program of revitalization and support for the agri-food sector in Pallars Jussà.
The principles that guide ATGPallars are the preservation of the agri-food and gastronomic culture in mountain areas; the commitment to the territory and the people who live in it and the cooperation between private companies and the public service.
It works in 3 strategic areas:
Support to the private companies
Activities to accompany and improve business skills: workshops, seminars, promotion of innovation and research and, technical advice in specific areas.
Cooperation and networking
Public-private cooperation and business collaboration with the aim of creating synergies to enhance the Pallars gastronomy.
Promotion of the agri-food sector
Dissemination and promotion of the agri-food legacy. We protect what we are to safeguard our future.
English translations with the collaboration of: